27 May 2013

How “Thread.join()” works in Java

The join is the instance method in the Thread class. So many people get confused of the function of join. So thought to document the functionality of it. The join functionality awaits the thread to die. Here is how it works with example.


public class ThreadJoin {

 public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception {
  Thread a=new Thread(new Mur(),"1");
  Thread b=new Thread(new Mur(),"2");
  System.out.println("End Of Main Thread");


 private static class Mur implements Runnable{
  public void run() {
              for (int x = 1; x <= 10; x++) {
                       System.out.println("this is thread "
                                       + Thread.currentThread().getName());
 }//end of the static inner class.
}//end of the main class.

Normally the thread that runs the main method is called main thread. So when main thread starts the other threads it does not stop executing. It starts the other threads and still continues it’s execution. Main thread finishes it’s execution and at the end it waits for the other threads that it created to die. Once the other threads it created dies then the main thread also dies.

Now How Does Join Makes Difference:-

The thread that executes the join on another thread waits (without moving to next instruction) until the thread on which the join is called dies.

In the example the main thread started a new thread by executing start method on Thread object “a” (a.start();). So now the thread “a” (Thread a=new Thread(new Mur(),"1")) starts executing as an individual light weight process. The main thread moves on and executes the next statement that is “a.join();”. The moment that it executes join on thread “a” it goes into a waiting mode, This means it stops executing the next instructions. The main thread invoked “join” (a.join();)on another thread (that is on thread object “a”) so it stops executing and waits until the other thread on which the join is called dies. Once the other thread dies the main thread resumes and starts executing the next instructions.

So the thing that has to be understood is, any thread that invokes join on another thread waits until the thread on which join is called finishes it’s execution.

The Output of the above stated example when “a.join()” is commented:-

this is thread 2
this is thread 1
this is thread 1
End Of Main Thread
this is thread 1
this is thread 2
this is thread 2
this is thread 1
this is thread 1
this is thread 1
this is thread 1
this is thread 2
this is thread 1
this is thread 1
this is thread 1
this is thread 2
this is thread 2
this is thread 2
this is thread 2
this is thread 2
this is thread 2

The Output of the above stated example with “a.join()”:-

this is thread 1
this is thread 1
this is thread 1
this is thread 1
this is thread 1
this is thread 1
this is thread 1
this is thread 1
this is thread 1
this is thread 1
End Of Main Thread
this is thread 2
this is thread 2
this is thread 2
this is thread 2
this is thread 2
this is thread 2
this is thread 2
this is thread 2
this is thread 2
this is thread 2

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